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A new course to be “Pilgrims of Hope”

In 2025, the Catholic Church will celebrate a Jubilee Year, also known as a Holy Year, an extraordinary period of grace and spiritual renewal that generally takes place every 25 years, although there may be lesser Jubilees in specific years, determined by the Holy See or special circumstances. The Order of Augustinian Recollects will join in this celebration, adopting the motto of the Jubilee of 2025, Pilgrims of Hopeas a guide for the year. With the beginning of September, educational and pastoral activities begin in countries such as Mexico, Spain, Venezuela, Italy, United States, England and some areas of Colombia, accepting the challenge to be true pilgrims of hope.

In 2025, the Catholic Church will celebrate a Jubilee Year, also known as a Holy Year, an extraordinary period of grace and spiritual renewal that generally takes place every 25 years, although there may be lesser Jubilees in specific years, determined by the Holy See or special circumstances.The Order of Augustinian Recollects will join in this celebration, adopting the motto of the Jubilee of 2025, Pilgrims of Hopeas a guide for the year.With the beginning of September, educational and pastoral activities begin in countries such as Mexico, Spain, Venezuela, Italy, United States, England and some areas of Colombia, accepting the challenge to be true pilgrims of hope.

The president of the EDUCAR Network, Fr.Antonio Carrón de la Torre, underlined that “both the meaning of Christian life and hope are themes deeply rooted in the thought and work of St. Augustine. For the Order, it will be a great opportunity to deepen the Augustinian spirituality. Moreover, this motto is a continuity of those worked on in previous years, such as Together and Do you aspire to great things? Begin with the little things. The experience of being pilgrims from hope speaks to us of making a journey together with others, of community, of trust, of friendship, and of living the concrete, the things of every day.”

In particular, in the educational apostolate of the Order, the pedagogical-pastoral objectives for this course will focus on deepening the Augustinian experience of pilgrimage and the meaning of the Jubilee years, especially the Jubilee 2025, integrating them into the subjects and activities through resources available in various languages.In addition, it is intended to promote peace, care, good treatment and community as signs of hope in a world marked by conflict, and to foster a spirit of service and solidarity, highlighting the missionary work of the Order in mission areas and what it means to be missionaries of hope.

The objectives and activities of the ministerial apostolate, ongoing formation, youth ministry and other dimensions of the Order’s life will also be inspired by the Jubilee theme.

In the rest of the countries where the Order is present, the development of this theme will begin in January and February 2025, coinciding with the beginning of the pastoral and educational year in those regions.

The Jubilee 2025 logo

The Jubilee 2025 logo symbolizes humanity from the four corners of the earth, represented by stylized figures embracing each other, reflecting solidarity and fraternity. The first figure clings to a cross, symbolizing faith and hope, especially needed in difficult times. The moving waves around the cross represent the turbulence of life, while the cross becomes an anchor, a metaphor for hope, which stabilizes during storms. The logo emphasizes that the pilgrimage is a communal journey, with a dynamic cross leaning towards humanity, offering security and hope. The motto Peregrinantes in Spem (pilgrims of hope) is highlighted in green.

Recursos pedagógicos y pastorales

Complementary information and resources to accompany the celebration of the Jubilee are available at international pastoral team of the EDUCAR Network has also prepared materials for the development of the theme during the academic year, which are available at

As a novelty, this year the Recoletos Music project has been presented, which is gathering and offering on digital platforms many of the Augustinian songs produced in recent years.Among them is the winner of the II Augustinian Song Festival, “Pilgrims of Hope”, which will serve as a hymn to present the motto in the educational centers of the EDUCAR Network.

The songs are accessible from Spotify, Youtube Music and Apple Music by searching for “Recoletos Music”.

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