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Official documents

At the VII EDUCAR Meeting held from November 13 to 17, 2023 in Guatemala City, our Network coordinating team presented a series of documents of great importance for directors, teachers and general staff of the educational centers of our Agustino Recoleta family. Here we share the documents to continue strengthening our work and educational commitment.

Institutional educational project - OAR

The Institutional Educational Project of the Order of Augustinian Recollects (PEI) is the reference document for our evangelizing work in the world of education. It defines the unique character, mission, vision, values, and identity of Augustinian Recollect educational centers. Additionally, the PEI allows us to project our work in education towards the future.


Augustinian pedagogical bases

As Augustinian educators, we have the wealth of a multitude of thoughts derived from Augustinian work that we can translate into pedagogical principles applicable to today. Already in 2016, the Order of Augustinian Recollects presented the document Augustinian Pedagogical Bases, but at the last meeting its new edition was presented with specific guidelines for our educators.

Institutional educational project - OAR

MELIOR is the certification of excellence for educational centers in the EDUCAR network. It is based on an improvement process inspired by the Augustinian experience of knowing oneself, accepting oneself and improving oneself. Discover more through our document.

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