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Walking together, searching together


We will surely remember the year 2020 for many things, some more positive and others less. For the educational context, there have been many challenges never before experienced: the experience of confinement, online education, the lack of contact with students for a long time or the many difficulties that return to the classroom with strict security measures entails. These are just some of the many things that we could mention about what has happened in these months. With all these experiences lived and to live, from the EDUCAR network we want to continue uniting and sharing. For this, in this section entitled "Walking together, searching together" we offer the materials produced by educational centers of the EDUCAR network so that we can all learn and we can all contribute to each other. They are resources aimed at educators, students, families, and management teams. Everything you keep sending us we will share here. Contact us at We will overcome this challenge together. Let's keep walking together, searching together. Thank you all!

school children
Meeting room
online teacher
Familia con tableta
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