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The Commission on Higher Education Regional Office VI (CHEDRO VI) recognized the university as Best Implementer- StuFaPs; Best Implementer - Registrar's Records; and Best Implementer for CHED Memorandum Order No. 6 s. 2022: "Sustaining Flexible Learning in Higher Education."

CHED Regional Office VI is celebrating the 3rd National Higher Education Day and CHED’s 29th Founding Anniversary on May 15-19, 2023. A series of activities are lined up for the celebration. One of the activities is the 2nd CHED Regional Quality Awards which aims to acknowledge the efforts and initiatives of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in instruction, research, and community extension.

The awarding ceremony was held last May 19 at 1:30 pm at the West Visayas State University Cultural Center, La Paz, Iloilo City. Rev. Fr. Joel A. Alve, OAR, University President, and Rev. Fr. Leo Alaras, OAR, VP-Identity, Formation, and Mission, received the awards from CHEDRO VI Director, Dr. Raul Alverez, REE, CESO III.

In the photos: Ms. Sumugat, Fr.. Joel A. Alve, OAR, University President, with Dr. Theresa Chavez, Dean of the UNO-R College of Education. The 2nd news in Fr. Joel Alve, OAR with Fr. Leo Alaras, oAR receiving the award for UNO-R from Commission on CHED VI Regional Director RYaul Alvarez with other CHED Supervisors.

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