We are very happy to announce the winners of the three categories of our "Artistic Creation" contest. They will receive their awards very soon, as well as an accrediting diploma from our EDUCAR International Network.

Design discipline (poster):
Children's Category: Juan Pablo Zamora (Colombia)
Youth Category: Adam Safar (Spain)
Adult Category: Bryan Hidalgo (Costa Rica)
Photography Discipline:
Children's Category: María Alejandra Pérez and Isabella González (Colombia) - “YO X TI, TU X MI”
Youth Category: Carlos Jiménez (Venezuela) - “CARACAS AT NIGHT”
Adult Category: Jaime Enrique Rodríguez (Colombia) - “A FIRE THAT BURNS BUT IS NOT CONSUMED”
Discipline of Literature:
Children's Category: Clarisse Távora (Brazil) - "Uma Açäo com multas reaçöes"
Youth Category: Laura Muñoz (Spain) - "Don't let go of my hand"
Adult Category: Walter Alfred Albrencht (Colombia) - "Together, always together"