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Pedagogical Day brings together Augustinian Recollect educators from Rio de Janeiro

In Saint Augustine the well-known principle of “teaching learning” (Letter 166,1; The dimension of the soul 33) becomes a motto, to the point that “I am a good teacher, when I am still a student” (Sermon 244,2). In other words, the Augustinian Educator combines the functions of teaching as a teacher and learning as a disciple.

Seeking to deepen this characteristic of the Augustinian Educator as 'apprentice of Truth', the Colégio Santo Agostinho promoted, between July 25 and 27, the Augustinian Recollect Pedagogical Day, bringing together the Educational Community of the Leblon, Novo Leblon, Instituto Cultural Santo Agustín and Nursery Santa Rita. Officially inaugurated by the director of CSA-Leblon, Fray Jesús F. I. Roitegui, the meeting was intended to be a space for reflection, self-knowledge, always in search of God, the only and supreme Good; and brought as a central theme "Together: rebuilding and weaving relationships."

With the proposal that the participants "look inside themselves", the first day of training was attended by the cardiologist Dr. Rodrigo Pimentel (Spirituality and Heart); the clinical psychologist, Sandro Neves (Mindfulness); and the person in charge of Guardianship of the OAR do Brasil, Br. Edielson Oliveira da Cunha (Prevention and protection of minors and vulnerable people of the OAR).

Reflecting on how to “look at the world without getting lost”, the educators listened to the judge of the Court for Children and Youth of the Capital of Rio de Janeiro, Dr. Vanessa Cavaliere, who spoke about “Cyber ​​Crimes and Media”. With the proposal to awaken the Augustinian Educator that exists in each one of the participants of the Conference, the panel "Echoes of Augustinian Pedagogy" brought together professors who presented the modules of the Augustinian Pedagogy Course offered by the Agustinian University (Uniagustiniana), in Colombia, and motivated everyone, more and more, to strengthen the commitment to educate minds and hearts with love and science. The Specialist in Excellence in Service and Hospitality, Rosane Lucas, also participated in the meeting and spoke on "The art of serving with passion" with the administrative employees.

"Looking ahead with hope" was the motivation for the third and last day of the 2023 Pedagogical Day. The founding partner of DÓXA Educacional, Professor Francisco Morales, reflected on the "Possible Futures of Catholic and Augustinian Education in a society in conflict" , followed by the coordinator of the SM Foundation in Brazil, Erica Gabriela de Carvalho, who presented the Unesco document “Reimagining our futures together: a new social contract for Education”. At the end of the event, the Episcopal Vicar for Education of the Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro, Father Thiago Azevedo, presided over the Holy Mass, in the Paróquia Santa Mônica, reinforcing that it is extremely necessary to "knit and rebuild a relationship with the world, with society, with the family and with the other, but, above all, rebuilding and weaving a relationship with God, because, thus, we will always find Education to the Cross, in a horizontal and vertical dimension”.

May Saint Augustine, our Father, intercede for all Educators, especially for the Augustinian Recollect Educators.

Communication team CSA-Leblon

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