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"Pilgrims of hope": united with the universal Church in the pastoral course 2024-2025

The Augustinian-Recollect Family proposes a new motto and pastoral objectives linked to the ecclesial Jubilee, under the common motto “Pilgrims of Hope”. Some educational centers have already started their school year in August 2024, others will start in February 2025.

This 2025 the Catholic Church celebrates the Holy Year, a Jubilee called by Pope Francis for the entire Church under the motto “Pilgrims of Hope.” This extraordinary period of grace and spiritual renewal is usually celebrated every 25 years or under certain special circumstances.

Pope Francis' proposal
The Pope proposed this motto two years ago, at the end of the pandemic. After the fear and pain it created, especially among the weakest and the excluded, the intention was to recover the best of human beings. He said: “We must keep the flame of hope lit (…) and do everything possible so that each person regains the strength and certainty of looking to the future with an open mind, a trusting heart and breadth of vision.”

The Jubilee proposes to restore a climate of hope and trust, recover the sense of universal brotherhood and not be indifferent to the tragedy that prevents millions from living in a humanly dignified manner. We must feel like pilgrims who go along the path, contemplating the beauty of Creation and caring for our common Home, as well as expressing the essentials of faith in God and obedience to his will.

The look of Saint Augustine
The virtue of hope is not a matter foreign to Saint Augustine and the Augustinian Recollect charism, as well as the idea of ​​“pilgrimage together.” The Augustinian value that we wish to deepen in the school year is friendship, in deep connection with the Jubilee itself. Thus, faced with the challenge of superficiality and insensitive indifference, friendship provides bonds of sympathy and empathy.

In the case of friendship according to Saint Augustine, its ideal is “to have everything in common” and to go “together” in the search for God with “one soul and one heart.” This implies that friendship, lived according to the Augustinian proposal, necessarily implies trust, confidence, loyalty and personal dedication to the common good.

Course objectives 2025
The 2025 Jubilee allows the Augustinian-Recollect Family to make known and deepen the Augustinian experience of the pilgrimage of friends: walking without feeling alone, uniting in a common destiny, accompanying each other.

In view of this, our EDUCAR Network proposes the following pedagogical-pastoral objectives to work in our educational centers:

  • To make known and deepen the Augustinian experience of pilgrimage, transferring it to the contents and methodologies of the various subjects and activities.
  • To make known and deepen the meaning of the jubilee years and, specifically, Jubilee 2025. To do this, multiple resources are available in various languages ​​on the website
  • In the midst of so many conflicts and wars, promote peace, care, good treatment, community, as signs of hope for our world today.
  • Promote the spirit of service and solidarity, knowing the work of the Order in mission areas, delving into what it means to be missionaries of hope.

Same image of the Universal Church
Other years the Augustinian-Recollect Family designed a logo and posters referring to its annual motto. This 2025 assumes and disseminates the same logo and poster of the Jubilee 2025. It represents all of humanity with its four figures embracing each other, indicating the solidarity and fraternity that unites people.

The first clings to the Cross, a sign of faith and hope. Surrounded by waves, because life does not always sail through calm waters, at its bottom it lengthens, becoming the “anchor of hope”, in marine jargon, the one used in emergency maneuvers in storms.

The pilgrim's path is not individual, but communal: it grows as one reaches toward the cross. This is not static, but dynamic and curves towards humanity, coming out to meet it with the certainty of its presence and the security of its hope.

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